Why liposomal vitamin C?
With traditional oral tablets and capsules, the absorption of essential nutrients – vitamins, minerals – is very slow and bioavailability is low. In contrast, their encapsulation in liposomes results in significantly more positive health effects.
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is an irreplaceable organic compound that is ideally introduced into the body by liposomes. Vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system, contributes to normal psychological functions and collagen production. Vitamin C also strengthens blood vessels, helps prevent cell damage, fights free radicals, accelerates the absorption of iron into our body and adds life energy. Since our body is not able to produce vitamin C itself, the acquisition must take place through external sources.
As a water-soluble vitamin, one of the problems with vitamin C is that, when taken orally with tablets or capsules, only a small part of the substance is usually absorbed into the body – for example, at a higher dose (1.25 grams) the vitamin C absorption rate is only 30%. However, consuming large amounts of pure vitamin C can cause intestinal discomfort and diarrhea, making the substance unacceptable to the body. The administration of vitamin C in liposomal form is very useful here. Vitamin C has been effectively administered by liposome technology as part of treatment and in study models, and it has been found that the clinical effect of vitamin C encapsulated in liposomes may outweigh the effect of even intravenously administered vitamin C.
Why Lipovitac liposomal vitamins?
- High bioavailability and absorption compared with other oral forms of supplements.
- Micronized encapsulation protects against the harsh environment of the gastrointestinal tract and increases transmucosal (oral) uptake and absorption.
- Increased intracellular delivery.
- Can hold both hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds.
- Ideal for those for whom swallowing a tablet is not possible.
- Allow for adjustable and incremental dosing for children and adults.
- It is possible to take smaller quantities with high efficiency and low cost.
- We use only non-GMO ingredients
What are liposomes?
Liposomes are microscopic spheres of phospholipids that are stable in water and may contain both water-soluble and water-insoluble substances, such as vitamins. Liposomes are structurally similar to cells and provide excellent absorption of nutrients into and from the bloodstream directly into cellular organs such as the mitochondria, the cytoplasmic reticulum, or even the nucleus, which can result in healing effects. Liposomes also protect encapsulated substances from digestion and degradation.
Interesting reading
Proactive lifestyle to embrace if fighting cancer
Good basic information to stay healthy which embraces our vision for holistic health
Linus Pauling Institute
This website is the official Linus Pauling Institute website which explains the role of Vitamin C in the treatment of coronary artery disease and cancer. A must read for those interested in his work.
Dr. Matthias Rath
Matthias Rath, M.D. is an internationally renowned scientist, physician and health advocate. His scientific discoveries in the areas of heart disease, cancer and other diseases are reshaping medicine. He is the founder of Cellular Medicine, the groundbreaking new health concept that identifies nutritional deficiencies at the cellular level as the root cause of many chronic diseases. In 1990 he went to the United States to become the first Director of Cardiovascular Research at the Linus Pauling Institute in Palo Alto, California.